Ji'Kyle - We got to watch a movie! I wrote my blog post at a special spot in the classroom with a lamp. Ms. Golemes called it my office.
Ji'Kyle, hard at work, writing his blog post in his new, corner office suite. |
Danielle - One day, my teacher said it was pajama day on Monday so on Monday I wore my pajamas. But, my friends did not have pj's on. She told me the pajama day had changed to Friday. Now it's Friday, and I wore my pj's again!
Rosie - We got to watch The Emoji Movie because we got 10 paws. Some of the paws came from compliments from Miss Jefferson and Mr. Green. Also, Miss Jefferson told us a small moment story about a mouse in her office. It was really funny!
Amy Jefferson sharing a small moment story with the students during Writing Workshop. |
Evelin - Yesterday, Ms. Jefferson came in and told us a story. So, on with the story...At the end of the day, she was sitting at her desk and she heard some squeaking. She looked next to her and she screamed and jumped on the table! Then, she ran to Ms. Kaye and said, "There is a rat in my office!" And the janitor came and took it out.
Amazing job, kids! I love Ji'Kyle's desk, that Danielle got to wear pajamas TWICE in one week and that Evelin and Rosie told a funny story about Ms. Jefferson and the rodent. Well done!