Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Lemonhead Letter

During the first weeks of school, one of the students mispronounced my name (not a hard thing to do) and it sounded like he said, "Go-Lemons," opposed to "Golemes."  It was actually pretty funny and provided students with an easy way to pronounce my real name.  Having said that, it is now December and we have finally found a way to brand our classroom.  I would like to introduce you to the Go-Lemons Lemonheads of Room 314!  We are very excited about our new blog and classroom theme.  Please check out our blog every week on Friday as a new student will be posting each week.  We would LOVE your comments because writing, posting and reading blog comment feedback is a great way for students to improve his or her onscreen literacy.  Thank you in advance for supporting our blog!

- Mrs. Go-Lemons

Image credit:


  1. Hello there, Lemonheads. I was wondering if you are you going to make lemonade. I can't wait to read your posts. I'm so proud to be the mother of a lemonhead (Kinan).

    1. Kinan read your comment to the class this morning. The students were very excited. However, we still do not have an answer about lemonade. We will be sure to let you know when after we decide. Thank you again, Mrs. Naber!

  2. I am looking forward to some Lemonhead news! I loved hearing how the name formed :) What an exciting adventure!
    Ms. Bennett
