Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Word from Lemonhead, Teagan

Dear parents,

This is Teagan the blog writer for this week. In writing, our class is reading stories that are not finished so all the students are finishing it with their own ideas, thoughts and imaginations. In Gym Class, we had a substitute teacher (Ms. Campbell) while Ms. Patterson was out. We just had our last Gym Class with Ms. Campbell. In Gym Class, we were playing hula hut which is where we make hula huts with hula hoops and throw foam balls at the other team(s) to knock each others hula huts down. But always in the beginning of class we run, jog, or speed walk to 6 songs. In music for Black History Month we learned old songs people used to sing and still do.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Word from Lemonhead, Sawyer

This is Sawyer talking for today's blog post. Today I am going to talk about what we are doing in school! Today I am going to talk about reading, writing, social studies, and math!!! This week in reading we read an article, then we answered some stuff about the story.  For writing, we read a story and then finished it!  For math, we have been doing a lot of stuff for the P.A.R.C.C test.  If you are guessing what is P.A.R.C.C., it is a big test that 3rd grade and up do.  It tests your reading, writing, and math.  And it is crazy that it lasts for a whole week. Well, that is all the time I have, bye.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Some Lemonhead Fun in Sra. Nieto's Spanish Class!

Learning about clothing or "ropa" in Spanish class is a blast!

Harrison pictured wearing a sport coat and the latest shades.

Craig and Matthew excited about Spanish fashioning this season's coolest trend - sunglasses!

Garrett pictured here wearing TWO pairs of sunglasses!

Starr and Garrett both jumping on the sunglasses trend.

Teagan is between seasons as she is swimsuit ready, however, it might still be a little chilly for the pool.

Friday, February 10, 2017

A spookay note from Lemonheads, Harrison G. and Aidan H.


Harrison here - The lights some how turned on in the middle of art night.  I put the photo below.  Lemonhead Aidan. H, saw ghost saying its gender is female and that about 16 years old wearing a white night gown floating, barefoot.

Photo taken by Harrison G.  This is outside of the office.  This is where he saw the
mysterious light shining on from the nurse's office...

A Word From a Lemonhead,Tony

       All the lemonheads think that the classroom is haunted. When Mrs. Go-lemons turned of the lights to show us the old Lemonhead Letters there was a big flash. Spooky!
       A lot of stuff happened this week. Mrs. Go-lemons made a secret student. Nobody knows who the secret student is ( except the secret student, of course). " Nobody knows who the secret student is," says Mrs. Go-lemons. "But the rule is that they always have to pay attention and know what to say." That is all for the Lemonhead Letter!

The "Secret Student"

Friday, February 3, 2017

A Word from Lemonhead, Kinan

The Lemonhead Times 

This week was an awesome week. We started a VIP table (very important person). It works by Mrs. Go-lemons picking someone and that person picking another person and vise versa. The only class you have to go to is math. The VIP table is    so cool theres books, origami, magnets, and coloring. We also did a poetry slam with Mr. Naber's class. It was awesome! Some people didn't   share there poems but those who did had awesome poems. I'm guessing if the people who didn't share shared they would've done good. Our class started a investigation group and believe it or not we actually solved some cases. Happy weekend.